Category: justice

Wendy Murphy on Equal Treatment vs Equal Rights

Among the things that don’t count …

[Bernadette Powell, a black woman from Ithaca, New York, is now serving a 15-year-to-life sentence … because in 1978 she shot and killed her ex-husband.] [T]he Tompkins county prosecutor … argued … that [she] had no reason to fear bodily harm from her ex-husband because although the man admittedly had committed many violent acts against …

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Catharine MacKinnon on words and images …

“Words and images are how people are placed in hierarchies, how social stratification is made to seem inevitable and right, how feelings of inferiority and superiority are engendered, and how indifference to violence against those on the bottom is rationalized and normalized.” Only Words, p.31

Women have fewer rights than a corpse

Kim Stanley Robinson’s Ministry for the Future. A MUST READ.

The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson  should be required reading for everyone. In particular, for those with economic and political power (send a copy to the people of your choice!). “Easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism …” p25  And that’s the problem. “Looking into plans …

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A Jury of One’s Peers?

When someone tells you transwomen aren’t really a problem…

A post by Namename over on Feminist Current: We have already seen men demand access to female prisons and be given it (several countries), and on at least one occasion that has led to female prisoners being assaulted. We have seen men insist on access to female rape shelters on several occasions (several countries), and …

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Some great bits from Kate Manne’s Entitled

“Why, and how, do we regard many men’s potentially hurt feelings as so important, so sacrosanct?  [She’s just described the common instance of women agreeing to sex so as not to be rude.]  “And, relatedly, why do we regard women as so responsible for portecting and ministering to them?”  p59 “[Hoffman and Tarzian] found that …

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about the truckers’ protest

If this is what (some) Canadians do when they have to wear a mask, imagine what’s going to happen when the consequences of global warming really start to hit us, when … they have to stand in line  not just for toilet paper, but for food – because, due to the increasing droughts, the loss of …

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excerpts from MacKinnon’s Women’s Lives, Men’s Laws

I’ve just finished reading yet another MacKinnon book, Women’s Lives, Men’s Laws, and as usual, it’s absolutely brilliant. The book is well worth a complete read; I paste below some perfect gems. (My used copy is marked DISCARD by the Porter County Library system. In itself, telling. Sigh.) Reading this now.  It’s heavy-going, but well …

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